Friday, November 29, 2019

Police Department Retention Issues

Police Department Retention IssuesPolice Department Retention IssuesPolice departments across the United States have a problem. Their officers, it seems, are leaving in droves, and have been for quite some time. While you have probably heard much about the shortage of nurses, teachers, andS.T.E.M. careers, youve probably seen very little in the news about the struggles law enforcement agencies face in recruiting and retaining police officers. The North Carolina Criminal Justice Analysis Center conducted a study that concluded law enforcement had a higher attrition rate, at 14 percentthan both teaching and nursing, which clocked in at 13 and 12 percent, respectively. If criminal justice agencies are to continue to ensure the publics safety, they need to learn why their officers are leaving and what to do about it. Square Pegs, Round Holes Its well accepted that law enforcement careers arent for everyone, and a simple fact is that many individuals who believe they want to be police officers soon come to realize the job isnt the right fit for them. In fact, according to multiple surveys from numerous states, the majority of officers who quit do so within the first 5 years of service, and most of those within the first 2 years. New officers quickly get a glimpse of the reality of the job and realize the criminal justice system isnt what they thought it was or doesnt work the way they thought it should. They experience frightening or traumatic events and unexpected job stresses, or they discover they were unprepared for the strain that shift-work and irregular days off places on personal and family life. This issue needs to be addressed at the entry level when recruitment starts. Departments can reduce attrition from resignations by better educating applicants about the realities of the job. They can also work to identify the characteristics of officers who stay and focus recruiting efforts on individuals with similar traits. The Pay Doesnt Seem to Be Commens urate With the Expectations Pay is, not surprisingly, a huge motivator in officer attrition. Generally speaking, law enforcement salaries are on their face respectable, especially when you consider that the job often does not require a college education. However, when taking into account the bad hours, the stress that comes with the job, the loss of days off due to court or other special details, and the evenings and holidays and other family time missed, the compensation often doesnt appear to be commensurate with the experience of the job. Many officers leave for better-paying opportunities, either in the private sector or for mora lucrative federal law enforcement careers. Unfortunately, salary and pay are often largely beyond the control of a police chief or sheriff. To make up for perceived salary disparities, departments need to get creative and identify other rewards and perks for officers service. Permitting the use of take-home cars for minor personal errands with certa in restrictions, of course is one example of a job perk that can positively impact home life with a little-increased expense to the department. Feeling the Department and Public Dont Appreciate the Job Officers Do Many officers end up leaving because they feel that the job they do goes largely unappreciated, or at least under appreciated. Many officers realize their jobs are very important but dont feel that their superiors understand or recognize the important work they do. Robust and meaningful employee recognition programs can combat some of this. The keyword is meaningful. Any employee recognition should have value. A gift card, a trinket, whatever itis, any reward should be well thought out and take into account the likes and desires of the officers, or it will fall flat. Law enforcement leaders who get out from behind the desk from time to time and work alongside their members, too, can demonstrate that the brass still knows what its like to do the job. A well established and meaningful wellness plan, too, can go a long way toward demonstrating that your department cares for its officers. Caring Is Key The biggest step departments can take in reducing the attrition of their officers is to demonstrate that they recognize the important job they do. Police officers want to know that the sacrifices they make matter, and they need to be shown from time to time that the people above them know they matter, too. Finding creative ways to add value to the thanks and appreciation you give your officers can go a long way toward helping them conclude that the frustrations of the job are well worth the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards that come with a career in law enforcement.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

VR and Drone Technology in a Paper Airplane

VR and Drone Technology in a Paper Airplane VR and Drone Technology in a Paper Airplane VR and Drone Technology in a Paper AirplaneFor a different take on standard drones that fly and hover like a helicopter, consider the X FBV, a kit that combines drone technology with a paper airplane. Unlike standard drones, this very lightweight aircraft uses twin propellers positioned at the end of the craft to fly constantly like a real airplane but controlled from either a smartphone or a virtual reality headset.The paper airplane drone is the latest model produced by PowerUp Toys, founded by Shai Goitein, a former pilot in Israels air force and industrial engineer. He designed a prototype after working with children and used the early forms to teach the basics of aeronautical design.The X FBV is launched by hand like an ordinary paper airplane, but thanks to rear-mounted propellers it can fly at speeds up to 20 mph. Image PoweUp ToysThe X FBV is made of a paper templatethe kit comes with four , allowing you to vary the designto which you attach the carbon-fiber-reinforced frame. Instructions for folding are included, producing a paper airplane with about an 11-inch wingspan. The manufacturer suggests adjusting the elevator panels before attaching the flying mechanism to ensure a straight flight.ASMEs Top Story Air hallo taxi Aces Test FlightFlight is controlled through the app, compatible with iOS and Android devices, via a Bluetooth connection. Goitein says the plane acts as a mobile hotspot. Vertical sliders on either side control the speed and direction. The kits plane-mounted camera captures video viewed through the app, either onscreen orthrough a Google cardboard FBV headsetfor a pilots in the seat view. The camera rotates to also provide side or rear views.Goitein collaborated with drone manufacturer Parrot, which adapted its antennae and remote control system to Wi-Fi. It is a unique aspect of the design, said Goitein. You dont need an external controller, you us e your phone.It needed to be simple and affordable, said Goitein, but the device needed an autopilot system and an auto stabilizing system. There was a challenge in simple mechanics, to be sensitive to wind. To compensate, he credits the development of a small sensor technology.It is unique in that it has 10 sensors, he said, including a compass, gyroscope, accelerometer, and barometer.Custom algorithms work to prevent stalling and control yaw. The electronics are stored in the planes plastic nose cone, which has a soft plastic bumper to protect against crashes. The camera is above the nose cone.Read More on Drones Drone Deploys in Just Minutes but Flies for HoursThe drone can fly at speeds to 20 mph and, because it is an airplane, needs space to maneuver. There are no rudders, so the only way to control flight is through the propellers. PowerUp recommends flying the drone with a second partie to act as a lookout because of a slight delay in the view, and to help locate the plane if it fliesor landsout of range. Use the head-mounted VR device by pressing the Google button on the app and fly it by moving or tilting your head to one side or the other to turn or up and down to climb and dive.That takes a bit of practice. As a pilot you are always thinking of landing, he said. So you need to get a sense of orientation and where you are in the world.The plane does not have GPS but it does have a feature to return using its internal compass, allowing it to retrace the path from which it began. If it crashes, the pilot or second observer has to find and fetch it.Read More Exclusive Stories from Robots to the Rescue Young Engineer Takes Great Strides with Prosthetic Foot Solving World Hunger with 3D-Printed FoodThere was a challenge in simple mechanics to be sensitive to wind. Shai Goitein, PowerUp Toys

Thursday, November 21, 2019

5 Resolutions to Help You Get Hired

5 Resolutions to Help You Get Hired5 Resolutions to Help You Get Hired5 Resolutions to Help You Get HiredIs your number one goal for the new year to land a new job? Or maybe, you just want to be prepared in case youre forced into the job market. To improve your chances in either case, set these five New Years resolutions today and stick to themIn the new year, I willGet and keep my resume up to date.If you only look at your resume when its time to launch a job search, youll struggle to find the right accomplishments and skills to emphasize, and the right words to express them. Thats why its important that your resume be a living, breathing document thats stored electronically and updated with every new skill you learn and each on-the-job accomplishment - as you acquire them. To add even more life to your resume, use vigorous action words to describe your accomplishments.Practice interviewing before the interviews.If you cant present yourself and your skills well, youll talk your way right out of a job opportunity. You need to be able to articulate your personal value proposition, and confidently answer the questions you expect the hiring manager to ask. The best way to build the needed confidence is to practice. Plan and rehearse your answers until they come easily. Even better, have a trusted family member or friend ask you questions especially tough ones - to help you fine tune your presentation.Take advantage of every networking opportunity in person and angeschlossen.Even if youre not looking for a new job, it pays to build a network of people who share common interests, from college alumni to people who perform similar functions in your industry. You never know if someone in your network knows someone else who might lead you to that next great career opportunity. Check out job search or networking groups in your area, and create or update your online professional profile on LinkedIn,or any of the other social networking sites.Focus on the employers need s.During the hiring process, prospective employers could care less about where you want to take your career or what you can gain by working for them. They want to know how you can give them what they need to help them run or improve the business. Make that the focus of your resume, cover letter, and job interviews.Not use the recession as a reason to stay put.How do these resolutions sit with you? Which ones would you emphasize the most? Please share your views below and Happy New Year