Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to get the raise you deserve when you work from home

How to get the raise you deserve when you work from homeHow to get the raise you deserve when you work from homeFull pot of coffee? Check. Full bank account? Well, mostly.Remote work offers many advantages, such as the relaxed dress code and flexible schedule, but it also feels isolating at times since your company is mostly your cat or dog. With the feelings of isolation come feelings of invisibility as a work-from-home employee. Most of your communication is in the form of email or chat rather than phone calls and in-person meetings.Others raise a skeptical eyebrow at your office digs, wondering where your real career is. You know how to share the pros of your career choice, as well as your plans for the future, but you recognize the difficulty of climbing the proverbial ladder in a not so typical form of work.Others can lower those eyebrows, because50.9 percent of the workforce will be freelanceby 2027. With that increase, employers need to look at how they address the issue of be nefits and pay raises. Workers still need to provide for their families, and evidently, freelancing isnt a dead end way of working. To advance yourself and your income in the now, you need to help close the gap. Elevate your professional self and get the raise you deserve as a skilled remote worker.Dont let your light go outYou feel invisible, but you arent invisible or irrelevant. You provide valuable skills and services to the company youre working with, so its imperative that you turn in above-board work and do your best. Always strive to continuously learn, and get to know your talents intimately.What compliments do your superiors give you? Did you receive standout ratings from clients on certain projects? Keep track of your successes, and reward yourself. Focus on putting that raw passion and talent into each of your assignments with your unique spin. Dont let your light go out.Youve already established a track record for success. Now that youre confident in your contributions, be proactive, and leverage that by asking for a raise to match your growth. Its all in how you communicate.Move beyond one-dimensional communicationYoure not one-dimensional, so select a different medium for posing your case. IM and email are for typical work practices and communications. While your glaubenszeugnis matters, you need to do this through a different medium.You wouldnt march into your teamberaterins office and start chatting them up for a raise. IM and email are similar in the remote world. Its immediate, and messages may also be misread or misunderstood. Unfortunately, so can voicemail, and only one person is involved in that conversation - you.People communicate on many levels through body language and tone of voice. Cultivate a different mode of communication to best engage your boss. When you cant meet in person to talk about your growth in the company, two mediums give you the level of communication you need - phone and video conferencing.How to Shine Over the P honeWhen face-to-face with someone, you understandably feel nervous, and that affects your confidence level. You may forget your points. Flustered emotions overtake your ability to respond rationally to why you deserve this raise. In such a case, choose to communicate by phone, and arrange a time to speak with your supervisor.When you use the phone, your supervisor will hear the warmth in your voice, so make sure to occasionally smile while speaking. Dont rush - speak 20 percent more slowlythan you would in person, which will also help you focus on word choices and clarity. Breathe deeply between sentences, which will help with your nervousness and lend time for pauses and questions. Sitting up straight will give you more confidence.Outlining your points and responses to questions helps, but authenticity is key to your success in this conversation. Keep evidence of your progress within reach to reference, and speak freely, though clearly, concisely and with confidence.How to shine o ver videoVideo affords you the opportunity to use multiple forms of communication, including voice and body language. If you notice your supervisor mirroring your body posture, such as leaning in when you do, youre building a rapport. Sit straight but comfortably, and try to have more of what youll say in mind than on paper. Dont read from the page because youre communicating with your boss, not paper. Much of this will come with comfort, confidence and practice, though its still perfectly acceptable to keep reference notes nearby.Practice with yourself in front of the mirror, and schedule a time with a friend to practice over video conferencing to get comfortable with the medium as a professional form of communication. If you have a friend in a management position, thats even better - they can offer you valuable input without coming across as condescending.Always arriveearly to test the video conferencing toolsso that you wont have any hiccups in the process. Remove unprofessional items from your setting, and close the blinds to eliminate glare. Wear neutral colors to avoid distractions over the screen. Sounds made near the microphone are audible, so remove the need to rustle papers. Speak directly in the microphone in a normal tone. If you notice an echo, you can always mute and unmute your microphone, but remain aware of your settings.Some tips for face-to-face communication also apply to video conferencing, such as sitting up straight. Another good one for when you get nervous is to stare slightly behind or above the person. You look like youre staring them in the eye, and you get a moment to collect yourself.More tips and takeaways for your conversationConversation and connection matter in every workplace setting, even if you work thousands of miles away. Dont let yourself feel invisible or limit your communications to one medium.Its okay if you dont feel confident about asking for a raise right now. Start incorporating other tools into your communicatio ns, and ask for a meeting with your supervisor to discuss your goals and feedback. Ask if this meeting can be a monthly check-in for you, which shows your dedication to your job, the company and improvement. Its a great primer for the ultimate conversation of requesting a raise.If the company doesnt have the budget for a raise, be open to alternative ideas and discussions. Your conversation with the supervisor may open the door to create bigger conversations at the top of the ladder. Be proactive. Share and celebrate your wins.Think of your work-from-home career path like being a shining star. The universe is dark and vast, but stars glow brightly from deep in space. Their light reaches many eyes, and your boss definitely sees your value when you keep shining with confidence in your contributions. Now, go ask for what you deserveSubscribe to thePunched Clocks newsletterfor more career advice from Sarah.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Strengthen Your Search With Social Media

Strengthen Your Search With Social MediaStrengthen Your Search With Social MediaTake a page from your kids playbook and leverage social media for your job search.Fathers Day is just around the corner. Its a time to honor the father figures in your life and thank them for their support and guidance over the years. Its also a popular time to share fatherly advice and life lessons.Theres much you can learn from your parents however, dont overlook the lessons your children can provide, especially when it comes to the job search. In todays digital society, if youre not incorporating social media into your job-search strategy, you could unknowingly hurt your chances of landing that dream job.If your children are in their teens or older, its safe to assume they are familiar with fruchtwein social media channels. This Fathers Day, instead of asking for another tie or golf club, ask your children to give you a lesson in social media. Here are five ways you can apply your new knowledge to get ahead in the job search.Help employers find youA Jobvite social recruiting survey revealed that 92 percent of recruiters and HR professionals use social media as part of their recruiting strategy. Develop at least one professional online profile that aligns with your resume and supports your job goals. Actively participate in targeted groups on LinkedIn and industry-specific membership associations. Post comments, attend meetings and events, and share relevant articles recruiters also join these groups and associations to scout for potential candidates.Uncover additional job leadsWhen youre looking for a job, use every tool at your disposal to find as many relevant job leads as possible. This includes social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Find your target employers and follow them to keep an eye out for new openings. Join a few relevant online groups and start connecting with other professionals in your field. This will often lead to new networking opportunities, informational interviews and ultimately, additional job leads.Improve your odds of a call backStudies have shown that youre ten times mora likely to land an interview when your application includes an employee referral. Social media is a great way to manage your network and meet new connections. Always check your network and find out if you know someone at the company before you apply. You should include this persons name in the online application, mention the connection in your cover letter or have your contact pass your resume directly on to the hiring manager.Prepare for interviewsIn our technology-driven world, theres no excuse for arriving to an interview unprepared. With just a few keystrokes, you have access to a ton of information about your prospective employer and their business. Incorporate social media into your research by following the company on Twitter, and taking a look at their Facebook page and Pinterest boards. unterstellung channels can provide great insight int o the companys culture, and will help you develop questions for the interview process.Develop your digital storyA study found that 86 percent of HR professionals and recruiters admit to reviewing candidates social network profiles as part of the screening process. Use your online presence to support and expand upon the story you tell through your resume and during interviews. Share articles, solicit recommendations from colleagues and clients, display your professional affiliations and share your work. These additional details add color to your career history and provide employers with a more rounded view of your expertise and passion for a particular industry.While it isnt necessary to adopt your kids social media habits and frankly, you shouldnt it is important to have an understanding of how each channel works. Ask your kids to give you a crash course in social media this weekend so you can kick your job search up a notch next week.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Learn How to Start an Animal Rescue or No-Kill Shelter

Learn How to Start an Animal Rescue or No-Kill ShelterLearn How to Start an Animal Rescue or No-Kill ShelterStarting an animal rescue or shelter requires proper planning, facility preparation, and dedicated fundraising efforts. Initial Considerations The first step is determining what type of animals you want to rescue, and how many animals you can adequately provide care for at your facility. Since animal care is a 24-hours a day, 7 days a week responsibility, you will likely need to enlist the help of either volunteers or full-time employees (or both). You will need to come up with a good name for your rescue, as well as design a logo for advertising purposes. Brochures and business cards will useful advertisements and should feature your logo prominently. You will also need to set up a dedicated phone line, post office box, and website to facilitate annahme an kindes statt efforts. Experience and Training Even if you have extensive experience working with animals, it is wi se to take the time to volunteer at local shelters or rescues to learn how they operate. A working knowledge of animal health, pet first aid, and pet CPR is beneficial. Location It is important to check the zoning regulations for the land you plan to use for your rescue facility. Also, you must evaluate whether the structures on the land (if they are pre-existing) can be converted for your purposes, or if new construction will be necessary. The facility needs to have sections available to separate dogs from cats, nursing mothers with offspring from the general population, small animals from large animals, and young animals from adults. Isolation areas are also necessary to quarantine new additions so any infectious diseases are not transmitted to healthy animals. Legal Considerations If your rescue group can qualify for non-profit status (also known as 501(c)3 tax-exempt status), donors will be allowed to write off their contributions of money, food, and supplies. After fill ing out the proper paperwork with the Internal Revenue Service, it can take three to six months (or more) to obtain non-profit status. You should check into the licenses required by your city and state. You will likely need a business license, and some localities also require a kennel license. It is important to have release forms drafted for use when an animal is dropped off or adopted out. It is also wise to have volunteers or those providing a foster home to also sign a basic release form. Fundraising Donations A membership program can raise regular funds from animal lovers in the community. A website and email newsletter should be available to your members to demonstrate what is being accomplished with their support. Be sure to send acknowledgments for donations. Other fundraising activities include applying for grants and endowments, hosting benefit events (dinner, fashion show, or art show), asking local animal businesses to keep a donation jar on their desk, seeking publ icity from the media, and selling items such as tee shirts and hats featuring the rescues name and logo. Donations of goods and services are often as important as financial contributions. Pet food companies may provide discounted or free bags of food. Hotels may provide old bedding and towels for use in cages. Newspaper stands may donate unsold papers. Local pet photographers may agree to take photos of your animals for your website or brochures. Veterinary Assistance Establishing a good relationship with a local veterinarian is critical. Many dogs and cats that are turned in to rescue groups need spay and neuter services, basic vaccinations, and medication. Some vets may agree to discount the cost of medical services for rescue animals, or even do the work pro bono. Record Keeping Accurate records must be kept at all times. Donations should be carefully recorded for tax purposes. Detailed cage cards and files should be kept for each animal. All release and adoption forms sh ould also be filed. Insurance You will need to obtain an insurance policy that covers liability and other needs. The coverage will protect you in the event that someone is bitten or injured by an animal or is otherwise injured on the premises. Coordinate with Other Rescues and Shelters It is important to establish relationships with other shelters, humane societies, and animal control offices. Let them know what type of animals you will be willing to accept into your rescue program, and set up regular visits to check their populations for potential rescues. Additional Sources of Information Information on starting a shelter may also be found at the website of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Making Sense of Real-Time Factory Data

Making Sense of Real-Time Factory Data Making Sense of Real-Time Factory Data Making Sense of Real-Time Factory DataThe fourth industrial revolution is right around the corner. With it will come a constant stream of information that will flow continually to and from manufacturing command centers. It will need to be interpreted quickly and presented in ways people can easily understand both intuitively and visually.Now, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research have developed a tool to help manufacturers make sense of all of that real-time information.Industry 4.0 promises tools that let manufacturers see and immediately understand how their factories are functioning in real time. Those new tools include sensors, software, and connected and automated systems, the Internet of Things, and cloud computing. This combination gives manufacturers immediate access to all types of data that flows to and from their factory. From the largest machine to the smallest b its of information, almost every factory einzelschritt will be connected.For You The Comeback of the Aluminum Can The Fraunhofer Institutes PlantHand3D displays constant feedback delivered by tooling machines, sensors, PLCs, and all other monitored processes. The software animates the data in a visual form thats easy to understand. It also helps decision-makers see the big picture, says Mario Aehnelt, head of the department visual assistance technology at Fraunhofer IGD in Darmstadt, Germany.The software helps decision-makers see the big picture.We overlay key performance indicators on top of the real factory production line visualizing, for example, the status of production to let decision makers know about potential problems and how to act correctly and quickly, Aehnelt says.After all, columns of numbers and spreadsheets wont help with the instantaneous decision making and cost savings future factory technologies will enable.3D design models contain all information about geometr y, materials, and function. Image Fraunhofer IGDThe information is displayed on what Aehnelt calls a multi-touch table. The table is flat with a big, clear display showing the animated graphics. Its like those old-school, seated Pac-Man games still occasionally seen at restaurants and bars. Only this display is much clearer and bigger, and the graphics put the Pac-Man ghosts to shame. It also depict plant functions in 3D.Trucks and robots move like cartoon figures across the screen, but there is nothing childlike about the real-time information they depict. The software also marries the data from various factory systems, such as production data from manufacturing, ERP, or data from personnel planning, he adds.Plant managers traditionally get feedback separately from their production systems, evaluate it, and then move on to look at their production-management system. In other words, managers cant see and evaluate feedback from their entire factory. They cant determine how the factor y operates as a whole, Aehnelt says. Getting that information in a way thats easy to visualize can have a huge impact on the decision making process.The information depicted by PlantHand3D can also be used to predict factory performance. A manager, for example, could see what will happen with production if the plant installs a new robot or changes a process. The visualization would depict all systems in such a case, including shipping and invoicing, Aehnelt says. A manager can see, for example, a problem with the line and immediately trace it back to its source, which could be a malfunctioning robot or a problem with a particular part that can be quickly swapped out.By making particular hand and finger gestures, managers can zoom in on a specific machine or look at an overview of production data from a particular plant or line, Aehnelt says. Managers and plant production personnel can also collaborate on decisions by working on distributed screens, which can be placed in production areas.Being able to visualize data from different systems makes it easy to grasp the information given and to initiate actions accordingly, he adds.The intuitive interaction with data is important. We see a big advantage in that, Aehnelt says.Jean Thilmany is an independent writer.Read More3D Printing Trains Bomb-Sniffing DogsLeveraging menschenfreundlich Vision to Sharpen Machine SensingThe Great Ocean Cleanup BeginsWe overlay key performance indicators on top of the real factory production line to let decision makers know about potential problems and how to act correctly and quickly.Mario Aehnelt, Fraunhofer IGD

Monday, December 9, 2019

Resumme - a Short Outline

Resumme - a Short Outline Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that will allow you to get your fantasy job. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better likelihood of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. Getting the most of a resource that wont only help save you time, but is shown to elevate your odds of scoring a work simply is logical. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously offer you an advantage. There are lots of free creative resume templates youll be able to use, permitting you to focus your energy on everything else you should do. In addition, you need a lot of creativity to address complex difficulties. Youre now prepared to begin sending your work of qualified art out into the career room to let it reap the rewards of a work offer. Each one of our creative style templates provide a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and a little style. When youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to know how to vary the usage of action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a highly effective accomplishment statement. Use the search box to find precisely what you are seeking.Then think about a few basic questions to allow you to clarify which format would be ideal for you. Have a look at the following examples to decide it is best for you. Resume templates are perfect for people who dont possess the skill of producing impressive resumes. Utilizing a resume template is getting an acceptable and smart practice for quite a few reasons. Hiring managers wish to see your private web presence for the reason that it gives them the chance to find out mora about you as a candidate. Recruitment consultants often utilize ATS too. Someone claims that resumes are dead and its important to have social media, but practice indicates that recruiters continue to find applicants resume, choose more relevant ones and just then connect with applicants. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. These days, its a lot easier to create an ideal CV with the assistance of some relevant applications. With the usage of Smart Resume Builder, you will prevent the mistakes while making CV that might cost you a great job In a CV, as an example, if youre asking for work in education, you may want to place your teaching experience at the summit of your CV. Below, you will discover a list of resume examples that could aid you with your work search. Youre able to research companies and individuals you need to target, connect with former associates, and inform them you are searching for new opportunities. Featuring only the experience and abilities that mirror the job demands of the position youre seeking can continue to keep the length in order. If youre pursuing a school leadership position afford the opportunity to assemble information regarding relevant ac hievements and techniques. You also have to speak about past experience. Characteristics of Resumme So, My Resume Builder is very helpful in creating an awesome ready-to-go resume. Regardless of whether you take advantage of a CV or resume, you must thoroughly edit your document. A CV can fluctuate from two pages to many pages. Click our sample to learn to compose the ideal transportation resume. Only business outfit is applicable, particularly for such kind of occupation youre applying for. Various kinds of work in the food tafelgeschirr industry require resumes with a number of the very same skills. Once you have decided on your perfect resume template from our selection, follow our totally free expert guidance about ways to craft the great modern resume. If youre planning to get certified, determine which sort of certification youre exactly aiming for. Resume creators permit jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes right from the world wide web to get star ted applying immediately. Transportation jobs involve a great deal of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can take care of that. Separate resumes are obtainable for assorted disciplines.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Things You Should Know About Writing Your High School on a Resume

Things You Should Know About Writing Your High School on a Resume New Ideas Into Writing Your High School on a Resume Never Before Revealed Theres loads of competition for jobs for high school students, and that means you need to make sure that you stick out from the crowd. So you are searching for employment when you are still in the high school. Many jobs require specialized or greater education to be qualified for a standort. Youre going to observe the ideal college application resume on Earth. Writing your initial high school resumecan look like a daunting take. Next, you are going to find out how to create a college resume prepared for the big leagues For a top-rank college to accept you, youve got to be distinctive and memorable. If youre thinking about attending grad school, youre likely going to must take the GRE. Then you will have a complete curriculum to choose from. Instead, concentrate on the special skills you bring to the classroom to market the academic and personal development of adolescent students. Teachers who cannot deal with the classroom are challenged to create positive learning outcomes. The Upside to Writing Your High School on a Resume When you have skills that are particular to every job you had, including working a particular kind of equipment, they are referred to as job-related skills. For those who have skills that are related to more than 1 job, such as being in a position to multitask, they are known as transferable skills. Proofreading is of extreme importance when you wish to land that coveted teaching job. For instance, if youre asking for a job as an administrative assistant, you dont will need to discuss the way your job for a babysitter helped improve your childcare skills, but you might share the way the experience helped you cultivate time management abilities and the capacity to juggle numerous tasks simultaneously. Hence, youll need to submit an application for work, and like every other applica nt youve got to submit some documents associated with your education, experience and interests. Because each work opportunity differs, the restart you use for each and every application ought to be slightly different. If youve just graduated, think about placing your education section prior to your experience section. The very first section of your resume should incorporate information on the way in which the employer can contact you. Things You Wont Like About Writing Your High School on a Resume and Things You Will Keep reading to discover our top few strategies for writing a winning high school resume. Keep reading to discover more, and dont neglect to have a look at our sample high school resume for inspiration If youre a student, then its clear that you will require help once it comes to writing your own resume. A great approach to begin on your resume as a high school student is to take a look at examples of resumes and read tips about what to include and the way to fo rmat your resume.